Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Memasang Jam diblog Kita

Banyak asesori blog yang bersifat fungsional, diantaranya adalah jam. Asesori jam dilengkapi dengan keterangan zona waktu, karena pengakses kita bisa saja datang dari sudut dunia yang lain. Dengan mencantumkan zona waktu, pengunjung akan tahu lokasi wilayah kita. Untuk memasang jam diblog, kita membutuhkan kode-kode jam. Salah satunya situs penyedia layanan ini adalah Cloklink, yang bisa diakses di www.clocklink.com. Clocklink menyediakan berbagai macam jenis jam dengan animasi yang menarik. kita tidak perlu registrasi untuk mendapatkan fasilitas jam dari Clocklink.

Mendapatkan kode jam

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1. Akseslah Cloklink di http://www.clocklink.com/

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6. Di halaman yang sama, copy kode-kode yang ada pada boks diatas, atau bawah. Coba dulu dengan boks yang atas. Jika tidak berhasil, coba buka halaman bantuan untuk keterangan masing-masing layanan blog yang mendukung aplikasi Clocklink ini di http://www.clocklink.com/ENG/blog.htm

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Kode yang sudah kita perolah harus kita paste ditemplate blog kita. Tentu anda bisa menempatkan kode itu dibagian yang anda suka.

Berikut ini simulasi langkah menyisipkan kode tersebut di sidebar blog bagi pengguna blogspot/Blogger:

1. loginlah di blogspot/blogger.

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Monday, May 7, 2007

cara membuat ReadMore dan blog tutor lainnya

Setelah berminggu-minggu saya mencari info tentang cara membuat "readmore" atau "Baca selanjutnya", akhirnya saya dapat lilin dari para senior didunia blog. Awalnya memang sangat membingungkan karena saya hanya bermodalkan sekedar bisa browsing saja, tidak mengerti code-code HTML. Semenjak terjun didunia blog ini saya menjadi mengerti code-code HTML.Pada dasarnya manusia memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang cukup besar dibanding mahluk lain. selama niat dan keyakinan kita besar untuk belajar sesuatu yang belum kita pahami sebelumnya semua itu pasti bisa kita lakukan.

Disini saya coba bantu kawan-kawan pemula seperti saya, untuk mencari info mengenai blog. membuat readmore bisa kita lakukan dengan mudah, ikuti petunjuk yang diarahkan oleh para senior kita bisa mengerjakannya sendiri. untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai tutorial membuat ReadMore, silahkan anda klik link berikut tutorial readmore.

Dan untuk menambah pengetahuan anda tentang blog lebih lengkapnya bisa anda liat dilink berikut. Blog tutorial klik disini atau klik logo berikut Blog Tutorial

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Seniman - seniman Indonesia serba bisa

Seniman-seniman indonesia yang telah memberikan kontribusinya dan menjadi ikon untuk seniman masa kini. Jerih payah mereka dalam berkarya memotivasi para seniman-seniman panggung untuk tetap berkarya dan menjadikan itu sebagi mata pencaharian yang layak dan memaksimalkan potensi diri para pelaku seniman panggung. Setiap waktunya para seniman dibawah ini selalu memaksimalkan potensinya untuk berkarya.

Benyamin Sueb (1939-1995)
Seniman Betawi Serba Bisa

Ia menjadi figur yang melegenda di kalangan masyarakat Betawi khususnya karena berhasil menjadikan budaya Betawi dikenal luas hingga ke mancanegara. Celetukan ‘muke lu jauh’ atau ‘kingkong lu lawan’ pasti mengingatkan masyarakat pada Benyamin Sueb, seniman Betawi serba bisa yang sudah menghasilkan kurang lebih 75 album musik, 53 judul film serta menyabet dua Piala Citra ini.

Sejak kecil,Benyamin Sueb sudah merasakan getirnya kehidupan. Bungsu delapan bersaudara pasangan Suaeb-Aisyah kehilangan bapaknya sejak umur dua tahun. Karena kondisi ekonomi keluarga yang tak menentu, si kocak Ben sejak umur tiga tahun diijinkan ngamen keliling kampung dan hasilnya buat biaya sekolah kakak-kakaknya.

Benyamin sering mengamen ke tetangga menyanyikan lagu Sunda Ujang-Ujang Nur sambil bergoyang badan. Orang yang melihat aksinya menjadi tertawa lalu memberikannya recehan 5 sen dan sepotong kue sebagai ‘imbalan'.

Penampilan Benyamin kecil memang sudah beda, sifatnya yang jahil namun humoris membuat Benyamin disenangi teman-temannya. Seniman yang lahir di Kemayoran, 5 Maret 1939 ini sudah terlihat bakatnya sejak anak-anak.

Bakat seninya tak lepas dari pengaruh sang kakek, dua engkong Benyamin yaitu Saiti, peniup klarinet dan Haji Ung, pemain Dulmuluk, sebuah teater rakyat - menurunkan darah seni itu dan Haji Ung (Jiung) yang juga pemain teater rakyat di zaman kolonial Belanda. Sewaktu kecil, bersama 7 kakak-kakaknya, Benyamin sempat membuat orkes kaleng.

Benyamin bersama saudara-saudaranya membuat alat-alat musik dari barang bekas. Rebab dari kotak obat, stem basnya dari kaleng drum minyak besi, keroncongnya dari kaleng biskuit. Dengan ‘alat musik’ itu mereka sering membawakan lagu-lagu Belanda tempo dulu.

Kelompok musik kaleng rombeng yang dibentuk Benyamin saat berusia 6 tahun menjadi cikal bakal kiprah Benyamin di dunia seni. Dari tujuh saudara kandungnya, Rohani (kakak pertama), Moh Noer (kedua), Otto Suprapto (ketiga), Siti Rohaya (keempat), Moenadji (kelima), Ruslan (keenam), dan Saidi (ketujuh), tercatat hanya Benyamin yang memiliki nama besar sebagai seniman Betawi.

Benyamin memulai Sekolah Dasar (dulu disebut Sekolah Rakyat) Bendungan Jago sejak umur 7 tahun. Sifatnya yang periang, pemberani, kocak, pintar dan disiplin, ditambah suaranya yang bagus dan banyak teman, menjadikan Ben sering ditraktir teman-teman sekolahnya.

SD kelas 5-6 pindah ke SD Santo Yusuf Bandung. SMP di Jakarta lagi, masuk Taman Madya Cikini. Satu sekolahan dengan pelawak Ateng. Di sekolah Taman Madya, ia tergolong nakal. Pernah melabrak gurunya ketika akan kenaikan kelas, ia mengancam, “Kalau gue kagak naik lantaran aljabar, awas!” Lulus SMP ia melanjutkan SMA di Taman Siswa Kemayoran. Sempat setahun kuliah di Akademi Bank Jakarta, tapi tidak tamat.

Benyamin mengaku tidak punya cita-cita yang pasti. “Tergantung kondisi,” kata penyanyi dan pemain film yang suka membanyol ini. Benyamin pernah mencoba mendaftar untuk jadi pilot, tetapi urung gara-gara dilarang ibunya.

Ia akhirnya menjadi pedagang roti dorong. Pada 1959, ia ditawari bekerja di perusahaan bis PPD, langsung diterima . “Tidak ada pilihan lain,” katanya. Pangkatnya cuma kenek, dengan trayek Lapangan Banteng - Pasar Rumput. Itu pun tidak lama. “Habis, gaji tetap belum terima, dapat sopir ngajarin korupsi melulu,” tuturnya. Korupsi yang dimaksud ialah, ongkos penumpang ditarik, tetapi karcis tidak diberikan.

Ia sendiri mula-mula takut korupsi, tetapi sang sopir memaksa. Sialnya, tertangkap basah ketika ada razia. Benyamin tidak berani lagi muncul ke pool bis PPD. Kabur, daripada diusut.

Baru setelah menikah dengan Noni pada 1959 (mereka bercerai 7 Juli 1979, tetapi rujuk kembali pada tahun itu juga), Benyamin kembali menekuni musik. Bersama teman-teman sekampung di Kemayoran, mereka membentuk Melodyan Boy. Benyamin nyanyi sambil memainkan bongo. Bersama bandnya ini pula, dua lagu Benyamin terkenang sampai sekarang, Si Jampang dan Nonton Bioskop.

Sebenarnya selain menekuni dunia seni, Benyamin juga sempat menimba ilmu dan bekerja di lahan yang ‘serius’ diantaranya mengikuti Kursus Lembaga Pembinaan Perusahaan dan Pembinaan Ketatalaksanaan (1960), Latihan Dasar Kemiliteran Kodam V Jaya (1960), Kursus Administrasi Negara (1964), bekerja di Bagian Amunisi Peralatan AD (1959-1960), Bagian Musik Kodam V Jaya (1957-1969), dan Kepala Bagian Perusahaan Daerah Kriya Jaya (1960-1969).

Dari berkesenian, hidup Benyamin (dan keluarganya) berbalik tak lagi getir. Debutnya Si Jampang, mengalir setelah itu Kompor Mleduk belakangan dinyanyikan ulang oleh Harapan Jaya, Begini Begitu (duet Ida Royani), Nonton Bioskop (dibawakan Bing Slamet) dan puluhan lagu karya Benyamin yang lain.

Tidak puas dengan hanya menyanyi, Benyamin lalu main film. Diawali Honey Money and Jakarta Fair (1970) lalu mengucur deras puluhan film lainnya. Seniman yang suka ‘mengomel’ bila melawak ini menjadi salah satu pemain yang namanya sering digunakan menjadi judul film. Selain Benyamin tercatat diantaranya Bing Slamet,Ateng, dan Bagio.

Judulnya, antara lain Benyamin Biang Kerok (Nawi Ismail, 1972), Benyamin Brengsek (Nawi Ismail, 1973), Benyamin Jatuh Cinta (Syamsul Fuad, 1976), Benyamin Raja Lenong (Syamsul Fuad, 1975), Benyamin Si Abunawas (Fritz Schadt, 1974), Benyamin Spion 025 (Tjut Jalil, 1974), Traktor Benyamin (Lilik Sudjio, 1975), Jimat Benyamin (Bay Isbahi, 1973), dan Benyamin Tukang Ngibul (Nawi Ismail,1975).

Dia juga main di film seperti Ratu Amplop (Nawi Ismail, 1974), Cukong Blo'on (Hardy, Chaidir Djafar, 1973),Tarsan Kota (Lilik Sudjio, 1974), Samson Betawi (Nawi Ismail, 1975), Tiga Janggo (Nawi Ismail, 1976), Tarsan Pensiunan (Lilik Sudjio, 1976), Zorro Kemayoran (Lilik Sudjoi, 1976). Sementara Intan Berduri (Turino Djunaidi, 1972) membuat dirinya, dan Rima Melati, meraih Piala Citra 1973.

Benyamin juga membuat perusahaan sendiri bernama Jiung Film - diantara produksinya Benyamin Koboi Ngungsi (Nawi Ismail, 1975) - bahkan menyutradarai Musuh Bebuyutan (1974) dan Hippies Lokal (1976). Sayang, usahanya mengalami kemunduran, dan PT Jiung Film dibekukan tahun 1979.

Benyamin tidak selalu menjadi bintang utama di setiap filmnya. Seperti layaknya semua orang, ada proses dimana Benyamin "hanya" menjadi figuran atau paling mentok menjadi aktor pembantu. Dalam hal ini, paling tidak ada dua nama yang patut disebut, yaitu Bing Slamet dan Sjuman Djaya. Walau sudah merintis karir sebagai "bintang film" lewat film perdananya, Banteng Betawi (Nawi Ismail,1971) yang merupakan lanjutan dari Si Pitung (Nawi Ismail, 1970), tetapi kedua nama besar itulah yang mempertajam kemampuan akting Benyamin.

Dalam "berguru" dengan Bing Slamet, Benyamin tidak saja bekerja sama dalam hal musik - seperti dalam lagu Nonton Bioskop dan Brang Breng Brong. Tapi dalam hal film pun dilakoninya. Terlihat dengan jelas, di film Ambisi (Nya Abbas Acup, 1973) -sebuah "komidi musikal" yang diotaki oleh Bing Slamet - Benyamin menjadi teman sang aktor utama, Bing Slamet menjadi penyiar Undur-Undur Broadcasting.

Di film ini, sudah terlihat gaya "asal goblek" Benyamin yang penuh improvisasi dan memancing tawa. Di sini, dia berduet dengan Bing Slamet lewat lagu Tukang Sayur. Tetapi, sebenarnya, setahun sebelumnya, Benyamin juga diajak ikutan main Bing Slamet Setan Djalanan (Hasmanan, 1972). Karena itulah, saat sahabatnya itu wafat pada 17 Desember 1974, Benyamin tak dapat menahan tangisnya.

Dengan Sjuman Djaya, Benyamin diajak main Si Doel Anak Betawi (Sjuman Djaya, 1973). Dirinya menjadi ayah si Doel, yang diperankan oleh Rano Karno kecil. Perannya serius tapi, seperti stereotipe orang Betawi, kocak dan tetap "asal goblek".

Adegan terdasyat film ini adalah saat pertemuan antara abang-adik yang diperankan oleh Benyamin dan Sjuman Djaya sendiri, terlihat ketegangan dan kepiawaian akting keduanya yang mampu mengaduk-aduk emosi penonton. Talenta itu direkam oleh ayah dari Djenar Maesa Ayu dan Aksan Syuman, dan dua tahun kemudian Benyamin pun main film sekuelnya, Si Doel Anak Modern (Sjuman Djaya, 1975). Kali ini Benyamin menjadi bintang utamanya, dan meraih Piala Citra.

Yang menarik, lebih dari dua puluh tahun kemudian Rano Karno membuat versi sinetronnya. Castingnya nyaris sama: Rano sebagai Si Doel, Benyamin sebagai ayahnya - selain theme song-nya dan settingnya yang hanya diubah sedikit saja. Lagi-lagi Benyamin menjadi aktor pendukung, tapi kehadirannya sungguh bermakna.

Sebenarnya ada satu lagi film yang dirinya bukan aktor utama, tetapi sangat dominan bahkan namanya dijadikan subjudul atawa tagline: Benyamin vs Drakula. Film itu adalah Drakula Mantu, karya si Raja Komedi Nyak Abbas Akub tahun 1974. Film bergenre komedi horor itu "memaksa" Benyamin beradu akting dengan Tan Tjeng Bok, si aktor tiga zaman. Begitulah, meski beberapa kali pernah tidak "menjabat" sebagai aktor utama, tetapi kehadirannya mencuri perhatian penonton saat itu.

Penyanyi Beneran
Tahun 1992, saat sibuk main sinetron dan film televisi (Mat Beken dan Si Doel Anak Sekolahan) Benyamin mengutarakan keinginannya pada Harry Sabar, "Gue mau dong rekaman kayak penyanyi beneran."

Maka, bersama Harry Sabar, Keenan Nasution, Odink Nasution, dan Aditya, jadilah band Gambang Kromong Al-Haj dengan album Biang Kerok. Lagu seperti Biang Kerok serta Dingin-dingin menjadi andalan album tersebut. Inilah band dan album terakhir Benyamin.

"Di lagu itu, entah kenapa, Ben menyanyi seperti berdoa, khusuk. Coba saja dengar Ampunan," jelas Harry, sang music director. "Mungkin sudah tahu kalau hidupnya tinggal sebentar," imbuhnya. Memang betul, setelah album itu keluar, Benyamin sakit keras, dan rencana promosi ditunda dan tak pernah lagi terwujud kecuali beberapa pentas.

Di album ini, Benyamin menyanyi dengan "serius". Tetapi, lagi-lagi, seserius apa pun, tetap saja orang-orang yang terlibat tertawa terpingkal-pingkal saat Benyamin rekaman lagu I’m a Teacher dan Kisah Kucing Tua dengan penuh improvisasi. Sementara lagu Dingin Dingin Dimandiin dan Biang Kerok bernuansa cadas. Dan Ampunanmu kental dengan progressive rock, diantaranya nuansa Watcher of the Sky dari Genesis era Peter Gabriel.

Yang menarik, masih menurut Harry, saat Benyamin menonton Earth, Wind, and Fire di Amerika - saat menjenguk anaknya yang kuliah di sana - dia langsung komentar, "Nyanyi yang kayak gitu, asyik kali ye?", dan nuansa itu pun hadir di beberapa lagu di album itu, salah satunya dengan sedikit sentuhan Lady Madonna dari The Beatles.

Benyamin yang sudah tiga kali menunaikan ibadah haji ini meninggal dunia seusai main sepakbola pada tanggal 5 September 1995, akibat serangan jantung. Ia bukan lagi sekadar sebagai tokoh masyarakat Betawi, melainkan legenda seniman terbesar yang pernah ada. Karena itu banyak orang merasa kehilangan saat dirinya dipanggil Yang Maha Kuasa.

Dari pelawak yang pernah tampil dalam variety show Benjamin Show sambil tour dari kota ke kota sampai Malaysia dan Singapura ini muncul banyak idiom atau celetukan yang sampai kini masih melekat di telinga masyarakat, khususnya warga Jakarta. Sebut saja, aje gile, ma'di kipe, atau ma'di rodok, yang semuanya lahir dari lidah Benyamin

Nama : Benyamin Sueb
Lahir : Jakarta, 5 Maret 1939
Meninggal : Jakarta, 5 September 1995
Isteri : Noni (Menikah tahun 1959)

- Kursus Lembaga Pembinaan Perusahaan & Ketatalaksanaan, Jakarta (1960)
- Akademi Bank Jakarta, Jakarta (tidak tamat)
- SMA Taman Madya, Jakarta (1958)
- SMPN Menteng, Jakarta (1955)

Riwayat Pekerjaan:
- Aktor, penyanyi, penghibur
- Kondektur PPD (1959)
- Bagian Amunisi Peralatan AD (1959-1960)
- Bagian Musik Kodam V Jaya (1957-1968)
- Kepala Bagian Perusahaan Daerah Kriya Jaya (1960-1969)

- Meraih Piala Citra 1973 dalam film Intan Berduri (Turino Djunaidi, 1972) bersama Rima Melati
- Meraih Piala Citra 1975 dalam film Si Doel Anak Modern (Sjuman Djaya, 1975)

Film yang dibintangi:
1. Honey Money and Jakarta Fair (1970)
2. Dunia Belum Kiamat (1971)
3. Hostess Anita (1971)
4. Brandal-brandal Metropolitan (1971)
5. Banteng Betawi (1971)
6. Bing Slamet Setan Jalanan (1972)
7. Angkara Murka (1972)
8. Intan Berduri (1972)
9. Biang Kerok (1972)
10. Si Doel Anak Betawi (1973)
11. Akhir Sebuah Impian (1973)
12. Jimat Benyamin (1973)
13. Biang Kerok Beruntung (1973)
14. Percintaan (1973)
15. Cukong Bloon (1973)
16. Ambisi (1973)
17. Benyamin Brengsek (1973)
18. Si Rano (1973)
19. Bapak Kawin Lagi (1973)
20. Musuh Bebuyutan (1974)
21. Ratu Amplop (1974)
22. Benyamin Si Abu Nawas (1974)
23. Benyamin spion 025 (1974)
24. Tarzan Kota (1974)
25. Drakula Mantu (1974)
26. Buaya Gile (1975)
27. Benyamin Tukang Ngibul (1975)
28. Setan Kuburan (1975)
29. Benyamin Koboi Ngungsi (1975)
30. Benyamin Raja Lenong (1975)
31. Traktor Benyamin (1975)
32. Samson Betawi (1975)
33. Zorro Kemayoran (1976)
34. Hipies Lokal (1976)
35. Si Doel Anak Modern (1976)
36. Tiga Jango (1976)
37. Benyamin Jatuh Cinta (1976)
38. Tarzan Pensiunan (1976)
39. Pinangan (1976)
40. Sorga (1977)
41. Raja Copet (1977)
42. Tuan, Nyonya dan Pelayan (1977)
43. Selangit Mesra (1977)
44. Duyung Ajaib (1978)
45. Dukun Kota (1978)
46. Betty Bencong Slebor (1978)
47. Bersemi Di Lembah Tidar (1978)
48. Musang Berjanggut (1981)
49. Tante Girang (1983)
50. Sama Gilanya (1983)
51. Dunia Makin Tua/Asal Tahu Saja (1984)
52. Koboi Insyaf/Komedi lawak '88 (1988)
53. Kabayan Saba Kota (1992)

Bing Slamet (1927-1974)

Pada masa hidupnya Bing Slamet adalah "Presiden Lawak" Indonesia. Ia adalah ikon dunia lawak Indonesia yang saat itu berkutat pada tiga media: radio (RRI), televisi (TVRI) dan panggung-panggung musik. Bersama grupnya, Kwartet Jaya (Ateng-Iskak-Eddy Sud), Bing selalu ditunggu rakyat Indonesia, karena humornya yang baru, sederhana dan kerakyatan.
Bing Slamet pula yang kemudian mempopulerkan film serial layar lebar. Ia membuat serial seperti Bing Slamet Setan Jalanan, Bing Slamet Sibuk, Dukun Palsu dan Koboi Cengeng. Setelah meninggal, film serial komedi layar lebar ini kemudian dilanjutkan para pelawak lainnya seperti Ateng, Benyamin Suaeb dan puncaknya serta paling lengedaris adalah Warkop DKI (Dono-Kasino-Indro) pada dekade 1980-an.
Bing Slamet yang juga seniman musik adalah tipikal seniman yang inovatif dan kaya ide. Setiapkali tampil, baik di media televisi atau pun panggung, penonton tertawa untuk sesuatu yang baru. Sebagian besar dilakukan secara spontan. Misalnya lawan bicaranya berkata dalam bahasa Inggris,"...How do you do?" Bing secara spontan menjawab,"In De Hoy..." Apa hubungannya?
Optimisme masyarakat seolah lekat pada sosok Bing tanpa tahu persis masalah yang ia hadapi. Ketika Bing jatuh di panggung beberapa bulan menjelang kematiannya, semua orang tetap tertawa karena menganggap itu bagian dari lawakannya. Sebagian besar penonton tetap tak sadar bahwa Bing jatuh sebagai ekses penyakit lever yang diiidapnya.
Dalam masa istirahatnya pun, masyarakat tetap mengharapkan keceriaan dari Bing. Pada acara TVRI sebulan sebelum meninggal, Bing mengatakan, "Maunya saya sih menjadi leveransir. Apa daya yang saya dapat hanya (penyakit) levernya doang." Begitu kreatif dan optimistis sehingga semua orang yakin Bing akan pulih kembali.
Nyatanya tidak. Pada 17 Desember 1974, Bing Slamet meninggal dunia pada usia 47 tahun. Ribuan orang yang kehilangan kenangan indah dan optimisme hidup melalui sosok ini kemudian mengantarkannya ke peristirahatannya yang terakhir.

Dorce Gamalama

Dorce Gamalama (lahir Dedi Yuliardi Ashadi, Solok, Sumatra Barat, 21 Juli 1963) adalah penghibur Indonesia. Ia telah berkecimpung dalam profesi pelawak, pembawa acara, film, dan musik. Ayahnya bernama Achmad dan ibunya Dalifah. Sejak usia satu tahun kedua orangtuanya telah meninggal dunia dan ia diasuh oleh neneknya Siti Darama. Dalam usia dua tahun ia bersama neneknya pindah ke Jakarta.
Karir musiknya diawali dengan menyanyi bersama kelompok Bambang Brothers waktu ia masih SD. Di SMP ia semakin tidak tertarik pada pelajaran sekolah dan lebih memusatkan perhatian pada karir menyanyi. Selain itu ia juga mulai menyadari kecenderungannya untuk tertarik pada pria. Hal ini juga ia manfaatkan untuk membuat penampilannya di panggung tambah menarik, yaitu melawak dengan berpura-pura menjadi wanita. Ketika itulah ia mendapatkan nama panggilan dari Myrna pemimpin kelompok tari waria fantastic dolls, yaitu Dorce Ashadi.
Karena semakin merasa terperangkap dalam tubuh seorang laki-laki, ia kemudian memutuskan untuk operasi ganti kelamin menjadi seorang wanita. Hal ini dilakukannya di Surabaya. Walaupun mendapat tentangan dari berbagai pihak, hal ini juga diberitakan luas oleh media massa dan membuat Dorce semakin terkenal. Setelah muncul di TVRI stasiun daerah Surabaya, ia mulai muncul juga di TVRI pusat Jakarta dan diundang untuk tampil di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Hal ini diikuti oleh film Dorce Sok Akrab dan Dorce Ketemu Jodoh, dan kontrak rekaman.
Menurutnya ia mendapat inspirasi untuk nama Gamalama dari suatu perjalanan untuk menyanyi di Ternate bersama Benyamin Suaeb, di mana ia melihat gunung Gamalama. Setelah naik haji ia juga menambahkan nama Halimatussadiyah. Saat ini Dorce telah mengadopsi tiga anak, bernama Rizky, Fatimah, dan Khadijah.
Saat ini Dorce tampil setiap hari di Trans TV Memandu acara Dorce Show

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vitamin E & Fish Oil

Fish Oils and Vitamin E
Summaries of the latest research concerning fish oils and vitamin E
Fish oils in cancer preventionSTOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. Several test tube (in vitro) and animal experiments have clearly shown that the long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the main components of fish oil, help inhibit the promotion and progression of cancer. Their beneficial effect is particularly pronounced in hormone-dependent cancers such as breast and prostate cancer. Some, but not all, epidemiologic studies have also found a beneficial effect.
Researchers at Sweden’s famous Karolinska Institutet have just published a comprehensive review of the current knowledge regarding the role of PUFAs in carcinogenesis. They conclude that omega-3 PUFAs are protective against cancer progression, while omega-6 PUFAs, notably arachidonic acid and its derivatives, help promote the growth of cancer. They believe the n-3 PUFAs exert their beneficial effects in several different ways:
They suppress the synthesis of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids from arachidonic acid and thus produce an overall anti-inflammatory effect.
They positively affect gene expression or the activities of signal transduction molecules involved in the control of cell growth, differentiation apoptosis, angiogenesis and metastasis.
They suppress excessive production of nitrogen oxide (NO) during chronic inflammation and thereby help prevent DNA damage and impaired DNA repair.
They decrease estrogen production and thus reduce the estrogen-stimulated growth of hormone- dependent cancer cells.
Fish oils improve insulin sensitivity and cell membrane fluidity and may help prevent metastasis through these effects.
Free radicals and reactive oxygen species produced in cells may attack PUFAs resulting in the formation of more free radicals, specifically hydroperoxides. The hydroperoxides, in turn, may damage DNA ultimately leading to cancer. These effects have indeed been observed in some in vitro experiments, but not in actual human beings. Many studies have shown that fish oils actually retard aging and suppress so- called free radical diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer. Other studies have shown that a daily EPA + DHA intake in excess of 2.3 grams decreases the production of superoxide, a potent cancer promoter. At least one in vitro and one animal experiment have observed that EPA + DHA kill human breast cancer cells via the formation of hydroperoxides, but that this effect is strongly inhibited by vitamin E. Thus, at this point, it is not entirely clear whether EPA + DHA exert part of their beneficial effect through an increase or a decrease in the production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The researchers recommend more work in this area, but emphasize that the major benefits of fish oils probably are associated with their ability to inhibit the synthesis of arachidonic acid-derived, pro-inflammatory eicosanoids. The Swedish researchers also confirm that fatty, cold-water fish are the best sources of EPA and DHA and that the conversion rate of alpha-linolenic acid (flaxseed oil) to EPA is very low, even in healthy humans – probably in the order of 2-5%.Larsson, SC, et al. Dietary long-chain n-3 fatty acids for the prevention of cancer: a review of potential mechanisms. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 79, June 2004, pp. 935-45
Editor’s comment: There would appear to be a growing body of evidence to the effect that long- chain omega-3 fatty acids, in particular EPA and DHA, help prevent the promotion and progression of certain cancers, notably hormone-dependent ones. Some of the mechanisms involved in this protective effect are well understood. While others, notably the role of free-radical formation, clearly need more work. Of some concern is the uncertainty surrounding vitamin E. Both vitamin E and fish oils have been found to help prevent hormone- dependent cancers, so taking both for cancer prevention is probably desirable. The situation is much less clear when it comes to slowing down an existing cancer and preventing it from spreading. Should one just rely on vitamin E (particularly the succinate form) or place one’s faith in fish oils, or is the combination of the two the best way to go? Clearly more research in this area is urgently required.
Fish oils do not promote harmful peroxidationCORVALLIS, OREGON. There is ample evidence that fish consumption and fish oil supplementation help protect against heart disease. However, the main components of fish oils, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are highly unsaturated and would therefore be prone to oxidation. This has prompted some researchers to express concern that fish oils might contribute to the lipid peroxidation involved in the development of atherosclerosis.
Researchers at the Oregon State University have just released two major studies designed to further explore this concern. The first study involved 15 postmenopausal women who were randomized to supplement with 15 grams/day of sunflower oil, 15 grams/day of safflower oil or 15 grams/day of fish oil (providing 2.0 grams of EPA and 1.4 grams of DHA per day) in a 3-treatment crossover trial. The researchers conclude that there is no evidence that fish oil supplementation increases lipid peroxidation when assessed by measuring the levels of blood plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and F2-isoprostanes. However, a slight increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was noted in the fish oil supplemented group. The researchers believe this to be insignificant and point out that the TBARS test is somewhat unreliable.
The second study involved 46 postmenopausal women who were randomly assigned to receive a daily fish oil supplement (providing 2.5 grams of EPA and 1.8 grams of DHA) combined with 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg of synthetic vitamin E (RRR-alpha-tocopherol acetate). Each of the 5-week treatment periods was followed by a 4-week washout interval in a 4-treatment, 4-period crossover design.
The researchers noted substantial increases in blood plasma levels of EPA (from 0.110 to 0.734 mmol/L) and DHA (from 0.283 to 0.515 mmol/L). They also observed an average drop in triglyceride concentrations of almost 30%. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels rose by about 50% after supplementation with 100 mg/day (50 IU) of alpha-tocopherol-acetate and by about 69% after supplementation with 400 mg/day (200 IU). The increase in alpha-tocopherol level was accompanied by a significant decrease in gamma-tocopherol level. The researchers evaluated the effect of supplementation on lipid oxidation (TBARS) and protein oxidation (carbonyl groups). They did not observe any increased protein oxidation, but did find a small but statistically significant increase in TBARS concentration after fish oil supplementation; they dismiss this finding as being likely to be clinically irrelevant. The size of the increase did not change with increased vitamin E intake. The researchers conclude, “If fish oil consumption does not cause an increase in oxidation as measured by protein carbonyls, then an increased intake of vitamin E [during fish oil supplementation] is not necessary.” Higdon, Jane V., et al. Supplementation of postmenopausal women with fish oil rich in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid is not associated with greater in vivo lipid peroxidation compared with oils rich in oleate and linoleate as assessed by plasma malondialdehyde and F2-isoprostanes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, September 2000, pp. 714-22Wander, Rosemary C. and Du, Shi-Hua. Oxidation of plasma proteins is not increased after supplementation with eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 72, September 2000, pp. 731-37
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are safeOSLO, NORWAY. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the n-6 and n-3 configurations cannot be synthesized by humans and must be obtained from the diet. The most common PUFAs are linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oils. Linoleic acid is an n-6 configuration while linolenic acid, EPA and DHA are of the n-3 configuration. Because of the unsaturated nature (multiple double bonds) of PUFAs they are prone to oxidation which makes them rancid and potential initiators of chain reactions which can lead to oxidation of fat and cholesterol molecules in the body. This so-called lipid peroxidation reaction is believed to be implicated in atherosclerosis, cancer and inflammation.
Dr. Jan Eritsland, a cardiologist at the Ulleval University Hospital, has just released a major study dealing with the safety of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs. Based on numerous reports published in the medical literature Dr. Eritsland concludes that a high intake of n-3 PUFAs reduces the risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attack and is entirely safe at least up to a level corresponding to 10% of the daily calorie intake. He does caution though that the intake of dietary antioxidants (especially vitamin E) needs to be increased if the PUFA intake is increased. Supplementation with 4 grams/day of highly concentrated fish oil (containing 3.4 g of EPA and DHA) was found to lower triglyceride levels, but had no effect on cholesterol levels or glycemic control (plasma glucose and insulin levels). Although fish oils are known to reduce the tendency of blood to aggregate (clot) a recent major trial showed no difference in bleeding episodes among heart disease patients supplementing with 2 to 5 grams/day of fish oils and the controls. This held true even if the patients were also taking warfarin or aspirin. PUFAs of the n-3 family may help prevent cancer and there is no evidence at all that they promote it. There is, however, some limited evidence that n-6 PUFAs (linoleic acid) may indeed be involved in the initiation or promotion of cancer. Most experts recommend that the intake of linoleic acid not exceed 10% of daily calorie intake. [73 references]Eritsland, Jan. Safety considerations of polyunsaturated fatty acids. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71 (suppl), January 2000, pp. 197S-201S
Fish oils protect against death from heart diseaseSANTA MARIA IMBARO, ITALY. There is clear evidence that a diet rich in oily fish confers considerable protection against heart disease. What is less clear is whether concentrated fish tissue oils in capsule form confer similar benefits. A very large group of Italian researchers (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto miocardico) has just completed a major study which shows the benefits of fish oil supplementation in patients who have survived a first heart attack. Their study involved over 11,000 heart attack survivors who were randomly assigned to one of four groups. Group one received a one- gram gelatin capsule containing about 580 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 290 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as ethyl esters every day. Group two received 300 mg of synthetic vitamin E daily; group three both fish oil and vitamin E; and group four served as the control group. All participants ate a largely Mediterranean diet and continued to take their prescribed medications (beta- blockers, aspirin, and ACE-inhibitors). After 3.5 years of follow-up it was clear that the participants who had received fish oil or fish oil plus vitamin E had lowered their risk of dying or having another heart attack or a stroke by 10 to 15 per cent. The group who had taken vitamin E alone derived no statistically significant benefit from doing so. (Editor's note: The 300 mg of synthetic vitamin E used in the study corresponds to about 150 IU of natural vitamin E. This would be much less effective than the 200-400 IU/day of natural vitamin E used in studies which have shown a benefit of vitamin E in regard to heart disease and stroke). The researchers conclude that daily supplementation with fish oils (equivalent of consuming 100 grams of fish per day) is beneficial for patients who have survived a first heart attack. They suggest that the role of vitamin E needs further exploration. (Editor's note: Other studies have shown that vitamin E protects fish oils from going rancid so it is a good idea to take a combination of the two). NOTE: This study was funded in part by Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pharmacia-Upjohn, Societa Prodotti Antibiotici, and Pfizer.Dietary supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E after myocardial infarction: results of the GISSI-Prevenzione trial. The Lancet, Vol. 354, August 7, 1999, pp. 447-55Brown, Morris. Do vitamin E and fish oil protect against ischaemic heart disease? The Lancet, Vol. 354, August 7, 1999, pp. 441-42 (commentary)
Fish oil and vitamin E go togetherBELTSVILLE, MARYLAND. Fish oils are beneficial in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. They do, however, oxidize very easily and therefore add to the oxidant stress on the body. An experiment was recently carried out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to see if an increased intake of vitamin E could counteract this detrimental effect of fish oils. Forty men aged 32 to 44 were involved. The men consumed a controlled diet for a total of 28 weeks. For the first 10 weeks they received placebo oil capsules (15 g/day), for the next 10 weeks they received fish oil capsules (15 g/day), and for the last 8 weeks they received the fish oil plus 200 mg of vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol). The urinary excretion of peroxidation products (malondialdehyde) more than doubled when the fish oil capsules were introduced but then dropped by a factor of four when vitamin E was added. The vitamin E concentration in the red blood cells dropped very significantly when fish oil was ingested but more than recovered with the vitamin E supplement. It is concluded that the negative effects of fish oil consumption can be overcome by taking them together with vitamin E.Nair, Padmanabhan P., et al. Dietary fish oil-induced changes in the distribution of alpha-tocopherol, retinol, and beta-carotene in plasma, red blood cells, and platelets: modulation by vitamin E. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 58, July 1993, pp. 98-102
Fish oil supplements increase requirements for Vitamin ELONDON, ENGLAND. A recent experiment carried out at King's College in London showed that daily intake of fish oil supplement reduces the plasma concentration of vitamin E to below normal range. Nine healthy male subjects were given a daily fish oil supplement containing 2.1 g docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and 0.8 g eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) for a six week period. The proportion of DHA and EPA in the blood increased during the trial while the concentration of very-low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol and triacylglycerol decreased. Blood pressure fell slightly during treatment, but rose again once the fish oil supplementation was discontinued. Of particular interest was the finding that alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) concentration in the blood fell from 20 micromol/l to about 10 micromol/l during the experiment. This raises the question whether fish oil supplementation increases the need for antioxidant supplementation.Sanders, T.A.B. and Hinds, Allison. The influence of a fish oil high in docosahexaenoic acid on plasma lipoprotein and vitamin E concentrations and haemostatic function in healthy male volunteers. British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 68, July 1992, pp. 163-73

Monday, April 16, 2007


Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia consisting of 17,000 islands (6,000 inhabited) and straddling the equator. The largest islands are Sumatra, Java (the most populous), Bali, Kalimantan (Indonesia's part of Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), the Nusa Tenggara islands, the Moluccas Islands, and Irian Jaya (also called West Papua), the western part of New Guinea. Its neighbor to the north is Malaysia and to the east is Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia, part of the “ring of fire,” has the largest number of active volcanoes in the world. Earthquakes are frequent. Wallace's line, a zoological demarcation between Asian and Australian flora and fauna, divides Indonesia.

The 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia were home to a diversity of cultures and indigenous beliefs when the islands came under the influence of Hindu priests and traders in the first and second centuries A.D. Muslim invasions began in the 13th century, and most of the archipelago had converted to Islam by the 15th century. Portuguese traders arrived early in the next century but were ousted by the Dutch around 1595. The Dutch United East India Company established posts on the island of Java, in an effort to control the spice trade.

After Napoléon subjugated the Netherlands in 1811, the British seized the islands but returned them to the Dutch in 1816. In 1922, Indonesia was made an integral part of the Dutch kingdom. During World War II, Japan seized the islands. Tokyo was primarily interested in Indonesia's oil, which was vital to the war effort, and tolerated fledgling nationalists such as Sukarno and Mohammed Hatta. After Japan's surrender, Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence on Aug. 17, 1945. Allied troops, mostly British Indian forces, fought nationalist militias to reassert the prewar status quo until the arrival of Dutch troops.

In Nov. 1946, a draft agreement on forming a Netherlands-Indonesian Union was reached, but differences in interpretation resulted in more fighting between Dutch and nationalist forces. Following a bitter war for independence, leaders on both sides agreed to terms of a union on Nov. 2, 1949. The transfer of sovereignty took place in Amsterdam on Dec. 27, 1949. In Feb. 1956, Indonesia abrogated the union and began seizing Dutch property in the islands.
In 1963, Netherlands New Guinea (the Dutch portion of the island of New Guinea) was transferred to Indonesia and renamed West Irian, which became Irian Jaya in 1973 and West Papua in 2000. Hatta and Sukarno, the cofathers of Indonesian independence, split over Sukarno's concept of “guided democracy,” and under Sukarno's rule the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) steadily increased its influence.

Sukarno was named president for life in 1966. He enjoyed mass support for his policies, but a growing power struggle between the military and the PKI loomed over his government. After an attempted military coup was put down by army chief of staff, General Suharto, and officers loyal to him, Suharto's forces killed hundreds of thousands of suspected Communists in a massive purge aimed at undermining Sukarno's rule.

Suharto took over the reins of government and gradually eased Sukarno out of office, completing his consolidation of power in 1967. Under Suharto the military assumed an overarching role in national affairs, and relations with the West were enhanced. Indonesia's economy improved dramatically and national elections were permitted, although the opposition was so tightly controlled as to virtually choke off dissent.

In 1975, Indonesia invaded the former Portuguese half of the island of Timor; it seized the territory in 1976. A separatist movement developed at once. Unlike the rest of Indonesia, which had been a Dutch colony, East Timor was governed by the Portuguese for 400 years, and while 90% of Indonesians are Muslim, the East Timorese are primarily Catholic. More than 200,000 Timorese are reported to have died from famine, disease, and fighting since the annexation. In 1996, two East Timorese resistance activists, Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta, received the Nobel Peace Prize.

In the summer of 1997, Indonesia suffered a major economic setback, along with most other Asian economies. Banks failed and the value of Indonesia's currency, the rupiah, plummeted. Antigovernment demonstrations and riots broke out, directed mainly at the country's prosperous ethnic Chinese. As the economic crisis deepened, student demonstrators occupied the national parliament, demanding Suharto's ouster. On May 21, 1998, Suharto stepped down, ending 32 years of rule, and handed over power to Vice President B. J. Habibie.
June 7, 1999, marked Indonesia's first free parliamentary election since 1955. The ruling Golkar Party took a backseat to the Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDI-P), led by Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of Sukarno, Indonesia's first president.

The ethnic, religious, and political tensions kept in check during Suharto's 32 years of authoritarian rule erupted in the months following his downfall. Rioting and violence shook the provinces of Aceh, Ambon (in the Moluccas), Borneo, and Irian Jaya. But nowhere was the violence more brutal and unjust than in East Timor. Habibie unexpectedly ended 25 years of Indonesian intransigence by announcing in Feb. 1999 that he was willing to hold a referendum on East Timorese independence. Twice rescheduled because of violence, a UN-organized referendum took place on Aug. 30, 1999, with 78.5% of the population voting to secede from Indonesia. In the days following the election, pro-Indonesian militias and Indonesian soldiers massacred civilians and forced a third of the population out of the region. After enormous international pressure, the government, which was either unwilling or unable to stop the violent rampage, finally agreed to allow UN forces into East Timor on Sept. 12, 1999. East Timor achieved independence on May 20, 2002.

On Oct. 20, 1999, in a surprising upset, the Indonesian parliament elected Abdurrahman Wahid as the new president of Indonesia, defeating Megawati Sukarnoputri, the popular leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle. Wahid was a Sufi cleric as well as an adept politician with a reputation for honesty and moderation.

Rioting, bombing, and growing unrest continued to plague Indonesia in 2000. On June 4, 2000, separatists declared Irian Jaya (also called West Papua) an independent state. Wahid flatly opposed independence for the province, which contains sizable copper and gold mines. Unlike East Timor, there is little international support for an independent Irian Jaya.
In fall 2000, Suharto failed twice to show up in court to face corruption charges of embezzling $570 million in state funds, but his lawyers insisted he was too ill to stand trial.
In Sept. 2000, Suharto's playboy son, Hutomo “Tommy” Mandala Putra, was arrested for his role in a fraudulent multimillion-dollar land deal. He fled and was finally arrested and jailed in November 2001 after a manhunt. In July 2002, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted of coordinating the murder of the judge who had sentenced him in the corruption trial.

In the fall of 2000 and winter of 2001, President Wahid came under increasing criticism for corruption and incompetence. He was blamed for not stopping ethnic clashes and killings in Aceh, Irian Jaya, the Moluccas Islands, and especially in Borneo, where the Dayak people turned against Madurese immigrants, slaughtering hundreds. Wahid was forced from power in July 2001, and Vice President Megawati Sukarnoputri assumed the helm.
A terrorist bombing on Oct. 12, 2002, at a nightclub in Bali killed more than 200 people, mostly tourists. In 2003, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim and Imam Samudra, members of Jemaah Islamiyah, an Islamic terrorist group linked to al-Qaeda, were sentenced to death for their roles in the bombing. But the radical Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, believed to be the head of Jemaah Islamiyah, was only given a light three-year sentence on lesser charges, causing parts of the international community to question Indonesia's commitment to fighting terrorism. Authorities arrested Bashir in April 2004—on the same day he was set to be released from prison—claiming they had new evidence that proved he is in fact the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah and that he approved the Bali bombing. In March 2005, he was found not guilty of terrorism charges in the bombings of Jakarta's Marriott Hotel in 2003 and the Bali nightclub. He was, however, convicted of a lesser charge—criminal conspiracy. That charge was overturned in Dec. 2006.
In May 2003, President Megawati declared military rule in Aceh and launched an offensive intended to destroy the Free Aceh Movement. The invasion marked the end of a cease-fire that was signed in Dec. 2002 between the Indonesian government and Aceh separatists. The government and the separatists signed a peace treaty in Aug. 2005, ending the 30-year war that had claimed the lives of 15,000 people. As part of the accord, the rebels will surrender their arms and the government will gradually withdraw its troops. In addition, the Acehnese agreed to give up their demand for independence in exchange for the right to establish political parties. The separatists disbanded their army in December, finalizing the end to their insurgency.
Violence erupted again in the Moluccas Islands in April 2004, when more than 40 people died in fighting between Christians and Muslims. The two groups signed a cease-fire in 2002.
Megawati's PDI-P Party fared poorly in April 2004 elections, placing second behind the Golkar Party of former president Suharto. In July, retired general Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono placed first in the country's inaugural direct presidential elections, but he did not garner enough votes to win outright. However, he soundly defeated Megawati in the September runoff.
On Dec. 26, 2004, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, whose epicenter was off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, caused a tremendously powerful tsunami in the Indian Ocean that devastated 12 Asian countries. At least 225,000 people died in the disaster, and millions were left homeless. Indonesia was the heaviest hit, with more than 150,000 casualties. Many of the deaths occurred in the war-torn province of Aceh.

About two dozen people died in Sept. 2005 when suicide bombers attacked tourist sites in Bali. The attack was eerily similar to the one that took place two years earlier.
On May 26, more than 6,200 people were killed in a 6.3 magnitude earthquake on Java. About 130,000 were left homeless. Just two months later, on July 17, an earthquake and tsunami struck Java, killing more than 500 people. It was the fourth major earthquake to strike the country in 19 months.

Floods ravaged Jakarta in Feb. 2007, killing about 30 people and leaving approximately 340,000 homeless.

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